If you’re purchasing, selling or concerned about the electrical safety of your property contact CS1 Electric. We are here to provide a complete detailed inspection. All components are evaluated to ensure you’re up to code.
Mistakes can be made whether you’re in a newer home or older home. We are here to ensure your electrical system is in good working condition, giving you full details of what needs to be done, should there be any concerns, and any repairs or upgrades that may be required.
When it comes to electrical systems, you don’t want to take any risks as your safety could be compromised.
Some reasons why you may want to have a home safety inspection:
Once a Year
It’s suggested that a yearly electrical safety inspection is completed to ensure that your system is not developing any potential problems or hazards.
Basements run the risk of flooding and if you are adding new circuits, you’ll want to ensure your system is prepared for the possibility of a flood.
Renovations or Additions
Modifying electrical systems in any way requires a permit. Hire a license electrician to ensure the work is completed properly and up to code.
CS1 Electric will inspect grounding, smoke detectors, wiring material and wall outlets to ensure that everything is in proper working condition and no code violations or help you resolve anything that needs to be corrected.